Issue № 2 (20)
Volume: 6
Date of publication: 30.06.2022
880 RUB / 0.0 SU


The 2nd issue of the Полилог/Polylogos journal for 2022 presents articles on various theoretical and applied aspects of political science, philosophy of history, social philosophy, as well as works in the up-to-date line of interdisciplinary research.

The issue opens with an article by DSc Alexei Kara-Murza: it continues the study of the issue of the formation of the historiosophical and cultural concept "Russia as the North", born to a large extent in connection with the philosophical understanding of the life and work of Mikhail Lomonosov. NB: the 1st part of the study was published in the previous issue of the journal. In the article by DSc Andrey Prokofiev the correlation of two questions of practical philosophy: "How should I live?" and “Why should I be moral?”, as well as criteria for evaluating the concepts of justifying morality, are analyzed. CSc Irina Shcherbatova refers to the book by Nikolay Gogol "Selected passages from correspondence with his friends" and on the material of this work explores the religious and ethical position of the writer. The subject of the article by CSc Sergey Chizhkov is a set of issues related to the concept of freedom as a form of existence of a rational being and as a source of law and morality in the works of the philosopher and jurist Boris Chicherin. DSc Antonina Selezneva and Dinara Tulegenova in their article reveal the features of the influence on the value orientations of modern Russian youth of national political and cultural traditions and modern global socio-cultural trends. Vladimir Boldin, in turn, at the intersection of political theory and memory studies, explores the evolution of attitudes towards the Slavic movement and the idea of Slavic reciprocity during the Second World War.

The subject of the article by Artyom Bezmenshchikov is the anthropological concept of Pavel Florensky: in relation to it, the author made a historical and philosophical analysis of the texts of the philosopher "Homo faber" and "Continuation of our feelings". Svetlana Berdaus explores a number of problematic points in the relationship between phenomenology and psychology and makes the assumption that it makes sense to consider the paradigm of phenomenological philosophy as an alternative coordinate in the reform of psychology. In turn, Dmitry Antonov in his article attempts to conceptualize the notion of digital sovereignty, based on theories and provisions developed and described in the framework of the neo-institutional approach and network analysis. Natalya Derzhavina raises the question of the essence of artificial intelligence, linking it with ethical concepts, in particular, with the ethical philosophy of Kant. Article by Mikhail Stepanov is dedicated to the ideological and value aspects of the “yellow vests” movement in France.

Issue publications № 2 (20)
Philosophy of history
History of philosophy and socio-political thought
Social philosophy and ethical thought
Applied aspects of political science, sociology and cognitive psychology
Interdisciplinary problems of the sciences of politics and society