Issue № 3 (17)
Volume: 5
Date of publication: 31.10.2021
800 RUB / 0.0 SU


The third issue of «Полилог/Polylogos» journal published articles on the philosophy of history, social philosophy, and a number of theoretical and practical aspects of political science. A special section is devoted to materials following the conference "The Problem of the Social Ideal in Russian Philosophical and Political Thought", held on April 21, 2021 at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The article by Cand.Sc. Sergey Chizhkov analyzes the concept of the ideal of social life, developed by Boris Chicherin, while special attention is paid to his analysis and criticism of the social ideal of socialist doctrines. The subject of the article by D.Sc. Mikhail Loktionov is the concept of an ideal society in the work of the scientist and science fiction writer A.A. Bogdanov, including its historical roots and difference from other Bolshevik concepts. Cand.Sc. M.A. Pilyugina examines the educational and anthropological project for the development of society, proposed by Anatoly Lunacharsky. In turn, A.A. Karulin analyzes the views of Alexander Herzen and Alexey Khomyakov on the nature of Russian society in general and the Russian peasant community in particular.

The article by Cand.Sc. Alexandra Volodina and Dmitry Testov, based on the concepts of J. Deleuze, F. Guattari and other theorists, investigates various modes of interaction and interdependence of a living being and the environment in which it lives. Professor of the University of Florida D. Kuyundzhich asks the question of what are the political and psychological foundations of "conspiracy theories" in the mass consciousness and refers to the experience of understanding the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001.

In the article by Anastasia Bedenkova presents an analysis of the main characteristics and stages of the formation of e-government, as well as the basic principles of digital government in comparison. In the article by Nikolay Rogach describes the results of a qualitative study of the image of the ideal deputy of the State Duma in the minds of the citizens of modern Russia. Egor Turkov analyzes the results of a political and psychological definition and empirical study of paternalistic orientations of Russian youth. Sofia Glebova turns to the experience of comrades' courts during the periods of their most active work in the Soviet Union, analyzing this experience not so much from a legal as from an ethical point of view.

Issue publications № 3 (17)
Philosophy of history
Interdisciplinary Problems of Political and Social Sciences
Applied Aspects of Political Science, Sociology and Cognitive Psychology
Applied Aspects of Political Science, Sociology and Cognitive Psychology