Issue 3 (25)
Volume: 7
Date of publication: 30.10.2023
720 RUB / 0.0 SU


The 3rd issue of Polylogos journal for 2023 features articles on the philosophy of history and social and political thought, various theoretical and applied aspects of political science, and cognitive psychology and cognitive theory.

The issue opens with an article by DSc Olga Zhukova: the article presents the author's approach to the study of the philosophy of Russian culture, history and art as a constellation of creative experience in the intellectual and social history of Russia. The necessity of developing new methodological approaches to the study of Russian cultural heritage and institutional (organisational) models of research in this subject area is argued.

The subject of DSc Irina Sizemskaya's article is social modelling as a vector of development of Russian philosophy of the 19th - early 20th centuries; the relevant models are analysed on the example of a number of concepts of Russian liberalism. CSc Denis Letnyakov's article is devoted to some aspects of the discussion of civilisational identity, historical specificity and the path of Russia's development; in particular, the limitations of two intellectual strategies - "originality" and "Westernism" - are noted. They, in turn, are contrasted with their productive synthesis, a kind of reconciliation strategy outlined in the works of Alexander Herzen. The article by DSc Valeria Spiridonova examines the historical implications of the theses formulated by Arnold Toynbee in 1953 in his book "The World and the West", in which he expressed deep concern about the future of Western civilisation.

Valentina Marinenko's article analyses modern Russian-language and foreign scientific literature on migration and explores transnationalism as a new approach to the study of migration processes. Diana Aglyullina's article presents an overview of contemporary Russian and European studies that address the issues of immigrants' integration into the host society, as well as some aspects of migration policy. In turn, Anna Bobylkova and Kristina Skryabina address a number of migration policy issues in the post-Soviet space, analysing migration processes in Russia and Central Asian countries in the period from 2018 to 2022.

Kirill Danilov's article is a comparative study of mass political movements in Latin America in the late 20th and early 21st centuries: the organisation Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) is compared with another revolutionary movement created in Mexico - the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), their approaches to armed struggle and political action are analysed. Natalia Derzhavina's article examines the epistemological peculiarities of the critique of the notion of belief; this study aims to clarify some aspects of the phenomenon of epistemological belief concerning the nature of unconscious beliefs and the mechanisms of their formation.
