Guide for authors

The application for publication must contain:

  • article title in Russian and English,
  • annotation (at least 500 characters with spaces, including a description of the subject of the research, methodology of the work, main conclusions and results, their scope; annotations do not allow abbreviations, formulas, references to sources) in Russian and English,
  • keywords (at least 5) in Russian and English,
  • bibliography (at least 5 titles, given in the language used in the text of the article),
  • if necessary, thanks and source of funding.

It is necessary to indicate separately the list of bibliographic sources in Russian and English in Latin. To do this, you can use the automatic transliteration function. Bibliographic records are listed in alphabetical order.

Each bibliographic record must comply with GOST R 7.0.5-2008, for example:

1. Valukin ME. Evolution of movements in the men's classical dance. M .: GITIS, 2006. 251 p.

2. Dirina A.I. The right of the military personnel of the Russian Federation to freedom of association // Military Law: an online journal [Electronic resource]. 2007. URL: (address: September 19, 2007).

Footnotes are also issued in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.

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