Issue 4 (26)
Volume: 7
Date of publication: 28.12.2023
800 RUB / 0.0 SU


The fourth issue of the Polylogos journal for 2023 presents articles on the history of philosophy and social and political thought, political science, social philosophy, as well as the results of interdisciplinary research.

The article by Irina Shcherbatova and Sergey Chizhkov examines the factors and features of the formation of legal consciousness in Russia in the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries, and explores the political consequences of the evolution of public legal discourse during the reign of Alexander I and Nicholas I. Mikhail Loktionov's article is a study of empiriocritical (positivist) and Marxist (materialist) aspects in the work of the outstanding Russian philosopher, revolutionary and public figure Alexander Bogdanov.

The article by Margarita Pilyugina examines the specificity of understanding and meaning-making in the social sphere; it is noted that the study of social objectivity, effective communication and interaction with the Other is a key issue of social hermeneutics, oriented towards the individual in his/her everyday personal and social activities. In turn, Alexandra Volodina and Dmitry Testov explore the relationship between the social aspects of affordances and the normativity of environmental perception, drawing on the concept of embodied cognition, ecological theory of perception, experimental design, information theory, situated aesthetics and disability aesthetics. Vladimir Vetrov's article examines the internal structure of bioethics from the perspective of the relationship between its normative and empirical elements; it shows that bioethical research is subject to the epistemological specificity characteristic of applied ethics in general.

The article by Veronika Sharova considers a number of features of the smart city concept, which is in demand in the field of applied urban research; the emphasis is placed not so much on technological and informational, but on socio-political aspects of the smart city; examples of projects aimed at forming a "human-centred" space for living are given. The article by Kristina Shvandar, Alexander Katunin and Yulia Maklakova analyses the changes in the money market and the functions of money associated with digitalisation and cryptography from ontological and socio-philosophical perspectives; in this light, the transformations of a number of processes of social life are considered. Olga Istomina in her article analysed a number of aspects of the dynamics of Central Asian states' attitude towards Russia in the region's public discourse from the 2010s to the present day.

The issue also includes an article by Valentina Omelaenko, which is a review of the scientific conference held on 7 November 2023 at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The event was dedicated to the creative legacy of Alexander Bogdanov (1873-1928) and timed to the 150th anniversary of his birth.

The book reviews section presents an article by Alla Bolshakova devoted to the interpretation of Russian culture by contemporary philosophical thought. The main attention is paid to the new monograph by Professor Olga Zhukova of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, which outlines the concept of Russia's intellectual history as a constellation of creative experiences and spiritual ideals of philosophers and writers from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century.

Issue publications 4 (26)
Philosophy of history
History of philosophy and socio-political thought
Social philosophy
Applied aspects of political and social sciences
Theory of knowledge and cognitive psychology
Interdisciplinary problems of the sciences of politics and society
Reviews of scientific events