Issue № 3 (21)
Volume: 6
Date of publication: 31.10.2022
720 RUB / 0.0 SU


The third issue of the journal "Polylog/Polylogos" for 2022 published articles on theoretical and applied aspects of political science, political psychology, social philosophy, ethics, as well as works on interdisciplinary research.

Dr. Gerta Nagl-Dochekal, in her essay from the standpoint of Kantian moral philosophy, considers the phenomenon of difference as one of the foundations of modern social and political transformations. Vladimir Krotkov analyzes the current trends and characteristics of global transformations: from the author's point of view, they have social, political, economic, informational, axiological and other connotations that deserve the use of new research optics within the framework of political science. In the article by Anastasia Golofast is considered the category of a political subject as a thinking and acting agent; analyzed key approaches to understanding political subjectivity in the digital age. Subject of research by Ilya Rodin is a collective emotional portrait of French students during the protest actions of May-June 1968. Veronika Sharova in her article refers to the phenomenon of "empty places" and "non-places" in the urban environment as a space of memory, having tested the phenomenological optics of research for this purpose.

Natalia Ivanova analyzes the phenomenon of an architectural brand on the example of the basic principles of constructivism in the USSR in the early years of the Soviet era. Alexander Proshkin considers modern interpretations of neo-totalitarianism, the authors of which qualify current anti-democratic tendencies as signs of the formation of a new type of totalitarian systems. The subject of the article by Ilya Shcherbakov is the influence of neo-Ottoman foreign policy traditions on the international political development of modern Turkey. In turn, Stanislav Vasiliev considers the structure and specifics of the model of ethnic democracy on the example of modern India after the Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014 and won the elections in 2019.
