Issue 3
Volume: 2
Date of publication: 08.11.2018
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Open access


 In the third issue of the journal "Полилог/Polylogos" for 2018 articles on a wide range of topics on political theory, history of philosophy, ethics, theory of knowledge, theory of culture, are published. One of the central themes was the 200th anniversary of Ivan Turgenev - the date is celebrated in October 2018.

In the presented issue of the journal the text of an open lecture by Doctor of Philosophy Vladilen Burov on the topic "China: the third way," read by him at the State Academic University of Humanities, also published. In the section of book reviews a review by PhD Veronika Sharova on a new book by the Dutch philosopher and historian of philosophy Evert van der Zveerde, “From the side of the history of Russian and Soviet philosophy”, is published.

Issue publications 3
To the 200th anniversary of the birth of Turgenev I.S.
General problems of political science, philosophy of politics and philosophy of history
History of philosophy, social and political philosophy
Interdisciplinary problems of politics and society sciences
Philosophical regional studies